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Don’t want to deal with PERM? Let’s talk about NIW Green Card!

August 24, 2021

National Interest Waiver (NIW) is an exception for EB-2. It provides applicants a path to green cards without PERM. By skipping the PERM progress, the processing time for NIW application is a lot shorter. NIW applicants can be the petitioners themselves. Therefore, NIW applicants have a wide range of job opportunities, including self-employment.
Applicants do not need to be inside of the US or must graduate from their PHD or Master programs. Even if your NIW petition was denied, there is no restrictions on filing another petition of NIW or under other categories subsequently.
NIW applicants can file under other categories simultaneously. For applicants from China and India, EB-2 priority date is not current. Therefore, it is important to get a priority date as early as possible. Many applicants choose to start their NIW process first to serve as a safety net for their green card path. The criteria for NIW are easier to meet than EB-1A, and the cost and processing time is a lot less comparing with other categories as well. During the time of waiting, applicants can accumulate their accomplishments to strengthen themselves for other categories.
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