Waiver of Inadmissibility
Code | Type of Waiver | Standards |
INA212(g)(1) | Waiver of Communicable Disease |
The spouse, parent, unmarried son or daughter, or minor unmarried lawfully adopted child of
A self petitioner under the Violence Against Women Act (VA WA) The fiance(e) of a U.S. citizen or the fiance(e)’s child. |
INA 212 (d)(3) | Waiver of inadmissibility of nonimmigrant visa. |
INA212(a)(9)(B) |
Waiver of Unlawful Presence longer than 6 months INA §212(a)(9)(B)(i) |
Extreme Hardship Waiver
INA212(h) |
Waiver of criminal grounds INA § 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(I) |
Extreme Hardship Waiver or 15 years or older crimes (not contrary to the national welfare, safety or security of the US) |
INA 212(i) |
Waiver for Fraud/Misrepresentation INA §212(a)(6)(C)(i) |
INA212(d)(11) | Waiver of Smuggling |
INA212(a)(9)(A)(iii) | Waiver of Applicant previously removed |
Extreme Hardship Waiver
Qualifying Relatives: You have a U.S. citizen or lawful
permanent resident spouse or parent, or a U.S. citizen fiance(e)
who petitioned for your K visa, who would experience extreme
hardship if you were denied admission.
Factors to be considered: It includes, but not limited to,
whether your qualifying relatives have family ties to the US,
the extent of the qualifying relative’s family ties outside the
US; conditions in your home country; financial impact of your
departure from the US; and significant health conditions,
particularly when, tied to an unavailability of suitable care in
your home country.
Matter of Cervantes, 22I&N Dec. 560, 566 (BIA 1999)